17 years of experience in scientifically analysing and investigating mobbing as a phenomenon.
Consultations and problem solving for both individuals and enterprises.
Seminars for enterprises about unhealthy relationships at work.
Mobbing is a long-term, systematic psychological terror that a person or group usually inflicts on another person. It is a social phenomenon leading to negative economic consequences. Every day we have to look around and at the same time ask ourselves if a mocking remark to the co-worker, a demeaning tone, “juicy” information about the colleague’s personal life are not symptoms of mobbing. All of these seemingly innocent things poison employee relationships, the organization’s climate, and lose their power only being brought to the light. Mobbing causes emotional pain, tension, unpleasant experiences for the victim. The victim may feel inferior and eventually quit the job. That is the purpose of persons who use mobbing. Anyone, a person with any specialty can become a victim of mobbing. More about mobbing.
The lecturer is specific, professional, businesslike. Optimally combines theory and practice, conducts sessions in a lively, clear manner, persuasively presenting verbal and visual information based on the practical situation analysis and engaging participants. Both personal and organizational causes of mobbing are analyzed and practical solutions are discussed.
The Associate Professor conducted an excellent seminar on the phenomenon of mobbing in organizations at Kaunas Rotary Club. Numerous questions were asked on the topic of the seminar, which the speaker answered very creatively and consistently. Many listeners heard about mobbing for the first time, not only did they gain completely new knowledge, but by giving questions they could also apply that knowledge in practical situations of their activities.
I had an opportunity to work with Jolita when there was an employee conflict in the team and an advice from an external expert was needed on how to deal with a rather sensitive situation. Jolita helped to professionally identify the causes of problems, provided recommendations for the solution, and delivered a short training course to the team’s employees. We were very satisfied with the services and the results of solutions.
The lecturer’s direct communication with the audience helped me not only to analyse my situation, but also to make a bold life decision, which I would have been afraid to even think about before. I have experienced mobbing at my work. No matter how hard I tried to do something good and achieve good results, I was always reprimanded at work. After the seminar, I exchanged that former job for two other jobs where I am very welcome.
I have already had an opportunity to attend more than one seminar that was useful to me as a manager responsible for good microclimate and positive employee relationships. I would gladly recommend to managers and personnel professionals.
I was pleasantly impressed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jolita’s warm response to participants and maintaining a constant relation with the audience. I was fascinated by readiness to counsel persons who have experienced mobbing at work. It is amazing how much one person led by a noble idea – to help others – can do.
The school community thanks Dr. Jolita Vveinhardt, a Professor of Vytautas Magnus University, for an unforgettable lecture on “Organizational Climate: What is the Temperature in Your School?” We were impressed with detailed theoretical explanations, relevant examples, and practical advice. We were especially pleased with the oratory skills and persuasiveness. Thanks for correct and weighty advice.
The seminar led by Prof. Dr. Jolita Vveinhardt, a senior research fellow of the Institute of Sports Science and Innovations of LSU, was strong and sharp, leaving a deep impression and forcing to think deeper about toxic interrelationships and phenomena accompanying them. I have no doubt that each of the listeners will not remain indifferent to the research findings and insights presented by the researcher.
I attended the seminar on bullying in sport out of inertia. I find it interesting and I care about that. There is much talk about bullying, I have heard various lecturers. But Jolita surprised or rather stunned by her certainty, persuasiveness, competence and the most felicitous actual examples. It was strong and shocking. The world of sports may seem like an entertainment arena to spectators, but EDUCATION is constantly taking place in it! The coach is often more important than parents, and the teammates replace a family that is still managed by higher sports organizations. This is where the young person’s personality and the strongest package of values are formed. Sad when humanity is forgotten on the way to a result or victory…
Thanks Jolita, I don’t remember myself being so engaged yet, and I would recommend including the seminar “Bullying in Sport” in the list of obligatory events not only for the sports community but also for the whole educational community!”
Thank you, Jolita, for the much-needed seminar “Bullying in Sport”. We ourselves often act like ostriches when we see abusive behaviour but do not know how to react properly. It is easy to get used to it. Such seminars help to better recognize bullying and tolerate it less. Let’s change the environment together!
It was an honour and pleasure to listen to Prof. Dr. Jolita Vveinhardt’s seminar “Bullying in Sport”. First of all, we should rejoice in the increasing attention to this problem and the professor’s professional experience in the area is undoubtedly very significant here. It is common that bullying among pupils, especially at school, have been incessantly discussed both in the scientific literature and in the public space for many years. This is an undoubtedly relevant problem that will receive attention in the future too. However, during the seminar, the professor very clearly demonstrated how widespread the phenomenon of bullying in sport was, how complex it was, not always noticeable or simply unwished to be noticed. It is namely the provided insights about this phenomenon and practical recommendations on how to take preventive steps to deal with this problem, which will undoubtedly be very useful for coaches, athletes, and even parents of young athletes. In addition, the insights into the challenges faced in investigating bullying in sport, provided during the seminar, are of particular importance to scholars.
The seminar of the lecturer Prof. Dr. Jolita Vveinhardt on the conception, origins and causes of mobbing was very valuable and interesting for the team of the Chancellery of the Seimas. The lecturer conveyed the accumulated knowledge vividly and convincingly, illustrating with specific depersonalized examples, and urged to give thought to the fact that mobbing touches, engages and obliges not to remain silent not only the mobbing victim, but also a member of the organization working nearby. Thanks for the insights that despite the fact that nowadays mobbing became a “fashionable” topic, the attention to its prevention is still insufficient and sometimes only demonstrative. I recommend everyone to listen to Prof. Dr. Jolita Vveinhardt’s seminars because if the problem is not analyzed in depth, if mobbing is not recognized and if this problem is not solved in principle, negative consequences for the whole organization are often painful and long-lasting.
Recently, it became “fashionable” to use the word mobbing without any intention to fully understand the essence or meaning of the term. In addition, there are cases when employees seeking to manage or wishing to influence managers in the desired direction threaten with “mobbing”, which negatively affects not only the team, the work atmosphere, but also the entire organization. Assessing the mentioned examples, the training “How can a manager avoid becoming a hostage of mobbing?” should become a part of each organization’s annual competence development plan. I consider lecturer Prof. Dr. Jolita Vveinhardt to be an excellent professional in her field, who can apply theory in practice by grounding on real situations and conducted research.
If to learn, then from those who are the best! Very well and professionally prepared seminar. Even if you have not encountered mobbing directly, it is necessary to listen to this seminar to get a general understanding, broaden one’s horizons, and be able to recognize situations. As a lecturer, Jolita Vveinhardt fascinated by her professionalism, erudition and positive energy – the very first words she uttered made one believe that the person was a real expert in this field! I received a lot of useful insights, clear examples and practical advice during the seminar. This is one of the best seminars I have ever listened to. I sincerely recommend it!
The professor has virtuosically placed the essential highlights in the topics of mobbing. The content of the seminars is highly concentrated, specific, and easy to listen to and perceive. Broad knowledge base, excellent public speaking skills and personalized content enchain attention. Perfectly fulfilled expectations!
I can really confidently state that this is my first seminar where material is presented in such an interesting way, various examples are given. The seminar was very interesting, intense, structured, there was a lot of specific information that will greatly contribute to work without mobbing. I was really inspired. Therefore, I recommend that each enterprise should listen to Professor Jolita’s seminars.
The word “mobbing” that is being heard more and more often may not always mean the true phenomenon of mobbing. During the seminar, using many years of professional experience, the charismatic lecturer Jolita helped to memorize the most important accents. Giving various examples, she enabled to assess whether the phenomenon of mobbing was observed in the work environment and what management solutions were most effective in creating and maintaining an organizational culture with zero tolerance for mobbing.
The managers of our company participated in a seminar on mobbing. At first, the leaders found the topic of the seminar uncomfortable, but the lecturer distinguishes herself by the ability to find a way to approach each listener. The most important aspects and an action plan on how employees and managers must behave in the case of mobbing are explained clearly and thoroughly. We thank the lecturer for her professionalism and concreteness. We received useful information that every manager needs.
I sincerely thank J. Vveinhardt for the lecture “Not everything that is called mobbing is mobbing” for the employees of our polyclinic. In the lecture, we heard a lot of useful information about the concept of mobbing, recognition in the work environment, and possible strategies. I strongly recommend the lecturer because of her many years of experience, professionalism and knowledge of the subject.