Prof. dr. Ivana Milovanovic

Prof. dr. Ivana Milovanovic

University of Novi Sad

As a professor of sociology of sports, a few years ago I included lectures on topics that address the issue of aggression and peer violence in youth sports. Although in the scientific literature, the issue of violence against young people and among young people in sports, present for decades, it turns out that students of sports sciences are not offered courses that address this issue. Erasmus plus sport project “Sport against violence and exclusion” (SAVE) has significantly contributed to the development of awareness of sports science students and sports coaches about prejudices, stereotypes, the phenomenon of social exclusion, aggression and peer violence in youth sports. Starting from the school year 2022/2023 at the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, within the bachelor studies, course “Sport against violence and social exclusion” has been accredited. I believe that by gaining knowledge in this course, future generations of physical education teachers and sports coaches will be educated to prevent, recognize and constructively react on aggressive and violent behavior, when necessary.